Interview with Kim Frederiksen – AKA Psycho from Budbrain

The first demo that we did, I learned everything during the programming of that demo. We probably started like late 1988, or like early 1989 ... Every time I didn’t go to school, I was working on this stuff with my friend

The first demo that we did, I learned everything during the programming of that demo. We probably started like late 1988, or like early 1989 … Every time I didn’t go to school, I was working on this stuff with my friend

Commodore Amiga : A visual Commpendium

About a week ago, I received my copy of Commodore Amiga: A visual Commpendium by Bitmap Books. This is the second book to be released by Sam Dyer, the first of course being Commodore 64: A visual Commpendium. Like the C64 book, this book also celebrates the visual side of the Commodore Amiga, from the …

Amiga Phase V blizzard 1220/4

Today was a good day! I managed to score myself a PhaseV blizzard 1220/4 Amiga A1200 RAM Module on eBay. It’s a 68020 (same chip that comes in the Amiga a1200) but it runs at 28Mhz and includes 4Mb of FastRAM which frees up the blitter wait states, thus, speeds up the amiga. I must …